Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Collected Pop Super Edition (my name for it)

Is it going to have new cover?

Sure is -ash

Thank f'ck - Truff

no, thank me, f'ck gets way to much love.. -ash

And dont forget

IDW will be releasing an oversized pop collection of the first 8 issues and other stuff at SDCC.


Will have an email set up for questions... Give me a tick.

SDCC Promo... DVD... T-Shirt... What are we doing again? Something to do with cats, or something?

It will make ILM weep, Digital Domain ship all their work to India and James Cameron question his sexuality.

If that isn't worth lining up for f'cked if know what is.

A good Hotdog. ash

Re SDCC Promo

I have to agree, this shit will make people feel like jelly. It really is gonna blow minds, make sure you dont miss this collectible ebay item !


So, we are creating a state of the art promo DVD for the true believers that will be joining us at San Diego Comic Con.  Limited numbers - for those that make the journey to join us in the big room at the Con.  Might even get a t-shirt if you get in early.

What's on the DVD?

Line up and find out!  

F'CK Me!

51 followers already!

We are legion... kind of.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Ash Told Me To Post

You got POPBOT movie questions?  I gots the answers!

Monday, 28 March 2011

This is the place...

To hear about Popbot the film and the trial and tribulations pertaining to said fil-lum... And see pretty pictures and other shit.